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8 Things To Know Before You Start Invisalign

8 Things To Know Before You Start Invisalign

Looking for straighter teeth but not sure where to start? Invisalign is a clear alternative to braces that moves the teeth in a series of controlled movements using fitted aligners. Every two weeks you will replace your aligner with the next in the series, carefully moving you closer to the end result. Treatment times will be different depending on the status of your current teeth and specific needs.

Invisalign aligners Bow Lane Dental Group London

Invisalign is for anyone with teeth!

From young children, teenagers, and adults of all ages.

It's fast and efficient

Most people see a visible result in just 3 months. Once you’ve had your initial consultation, our Invisalign provider will scan your teeth and create some records to send off to Invisalign in another 45-minute appointment. The lab over at Invisalign HQ will create a computerized simulation to show you how your teeth will look after the treatment is carried out, which you will be able to view at your next appointment.

You can see the end result before you start

A 30-minute appointment to see the results from Invisalign’s computerized simulation. During this appointment you can decide whether you want to move forward and begin your Invisalign journey. You will also have some time to ask any other questions you may have.

You may have 'Buttons'

Some patients will have buttons as part of their treatment. They are small, tooth-coloured ‘ball-like’ fittings to the front of the teeth that your orthodontist will stick to your teeth. They help the teeth move faster.

You may experience some discomfort

Some people report discomfort and others do not. It varies by person, smile, and pain tolerance.

Remember, you'll need frequent appointments.

You will come into the Orthodontics London practice every 3-8 weeks depending on your treatment to pick up your next set of aligners.

You'll be able to whiten at the same time

As you already have the trays in all day, you can actually add whitening gel inside to get a whiter smile at the same time! This is perfect if you’re looking for a real smile transformation.

You will need a permanent retainer

You’ll receive a final retainer which you will have to wear every night in order to keep your teeth straight. Wearing your retainers every night is crucial if you want to keep your teeth straight and prevent your teeth from a relapse. We do offer a fixed retainer if you prefer at no extra charge.

Invisalign Results

Did you know we are a Diamond Invisalign provider?

Diamond II Provider

If you would like to book a consultation with our friendly orthodontist Raman, please give our reception team a call on 020 72363600. Alternatively, you can find out more about Invisalign here.You can also visit the British Orthodontic Society to find out more about straightening teeth.

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Bow Lane Dental, 2a Bow Lane, London, EC4M 9EE

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020 7236 3600

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