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Explained: What is ‘Turkey Teeth’ and why the viral trend is so dangerous for your health.

Explained: What is ‘Turkey Teeth’ and why the viral trend is so dangerous for your health.

The latest cosmetic fad is seeing thousands of Britons travelling abroad to get drastic cut-price treatment but leaving the majority of them facing painful and expensive complications. 

The procedure is being fuelled on social media by -reality TV and influencers under the hashtag #Turkeyteeth which has been viewed more than 130 million times.

But a new BBC documentary has looked at the fallout, asking whether the risks really outweigh the savings of having cheaper treatment, with UK dentists warning the  complications can leave patients with huge bills to fix the work.


In one case, Tiktok user Lisa Martyn revealed how her experience turned into a nightmare after she travelled to Turkey for the cosmetic treatment and paid 3,500 Euros (£2,960) for what she thought were veneers but was actually a set of crowns.

She told the BBC: ‘I was duped into the dream of having a full set of perfect teeth that I was never going to have any issues with but I was grossly misled about what I was having done - they were sold to me as veneers not a full set of crowns’.

‘No one sat down and told me the risks or if there were any other options. I thought that once they put the new teeth into my mouth that would be it - there would never be any more problems’.

‘But not only have I been in crippling pain every day since, but it has also cost me thousands. It's the biggest mistake of my life’.

Lisa flew to Turkey last year under the belief she would be fitted with 26 veneers in a bid to get the 'Hollywood smile' for her son's wedding but was actually fitted with crowns - a far more invasive procedure.

Months after her treatment, the 48-year-old was left in horrific pain after developing an abscess that nearly paralysed half her face.

And we wish that Lisa was the only case, however, in a recent report by the British Dentist Association, 86% of dentists surveyed in the UK reported that they treated cases that developed problems following treatment abroad. Like Amanda Turner, who also travelled to Turkey for cosmetic dental surgery, but since coming home has been in hospital with multiple problems.


She had hoped new veneers would leave her with a stunning smile, but has instead landed her in a world of pain - and with a bill of at least £14,000 to correct the damage.


Irreversible treatments


Treatment advertised overseas might seem cheaper, even if you factor in travel costs, but what value do you put on safe treatment and your health?

These procedures are being sold at a fraction of the price that they would cost in the UK, and many young people choose their clinics through social media without proper research beforehand. 

Whilst the price can seem appealing, the hidden follow-up costs and potential repair work could reach more than £5,000. Placing crowns on completely healthy teeth can put you at risk of getting your teeth removed or having a root canal. However, less invasive treatments are available including composite bonding, a procedure applied to roughened teeth, or veneers, where teeth are shaved down much less. Also having surgery and dental implants is a long-term plan. Dental implants in London may need maintenance and it is best to have a well-established brand whose parts are readily available for long-term maintenance.


If this sounds like you – there are some things you should know. You should also take a look at the finance options we have available to help keep quality veneers within everyone’s budget. 

A great smile doesn’t have to cost a small fortune, nor do your health and well-being.  Give us a call today at 020 7236 3600 for an informal chat about your specific needs, we would love to help! 

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