It does not prevent tooth decay that is down to good diet, genetics and brushing twice a day for 2 minutes.
But is it effective against gum disease, again NO. Research shows that the use of small brushes daily between teeth is.
Say goodbye to your floss unless you get something stuck between your teeth. Say hello to brush sticks such as Tepes. They are simpler to use and proven to ward off gum disease. You need to find the correct size so it’s a snug fit to remove the plaque. If you want to know what size is best for you ask your dentist or hygienist (if you don't currently have a dental hygienist, please feel free to book an appointment with our dental hygiene team.
The majority of the dental community agrees that cleaning between your teeth is good for you, just not what implement is best to achieve this. Floss is really only the best tool if you cannot get anything else between the teeth.
Finally the media are agreeing with us: