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We have unfortunately had to temporarily stop our beauty treatments in line with Government regulations. All existing appointments will be rescheduled.

Mouth Cancer Symptoms

Mouth Cancer Symptoms

Mouth Cancer Action Month is officially upon us, and this is an initiative we have always fully supported here at Bow Lane Dental in London. Mouth Cancer can be a devastating disease if it is not caught in the early stages, and with more than 7,000 people diagnosed in the UK last year, it is definitely something we all need to be more aware of. Dentists are trained to spot the signs of mouth cancer, and at Bow Lane Dental, we carry out screening as part of our 8 point oral health check. This means that all patients will benefit from mouth cancer screening during their routine check ups, which is one of the reasons why it is so important to attend your regular dental appointments!

Mouth cancer screening

Mouth cancer screening is nothing to worry about and the dentists at Bow Lane Dental will always be happy to explain everything they are doing, so don't be afraid to ask. The dental check-up itself is not at all invasive, it simply involves us having a good look at all areas of the mouth and neck, as well as using a fantastic gadget called the OralD. This is a blue light that shows up any dark legions under the surface that would be undetectable to the naked eye, allowing us to spot anything potentially suspicious at an early stage. As with all types of cancer, early detection is paramount to a successful recovery, which is why we all love using the OralID so much!

What to look out for

Awareness is always your best defence against any cancer, so be on the look out for any of these signs and symptoms in between appointments:

  • Ulcers that do not heal within three weeks
  • Red or white patches in the mouth
  • Unusual lumps or swellings in the mouth or head and neck area
  • Anything else that looks different to normal.

If you notice anything that concerns you, don't wait for your next appointment to get checked out. Please contact us on 020 7236 3600 and we will arrange to see you as soon as possible.

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Bow Lane Dental, 2a Bow Lane, London, EC4M 9EE

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Phone Us  (purple) | Bow Lane Dental in London
020 7236 3600

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