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National Smile Month

National Smile Month

What is National Smile Month?

National Smile Month in the UK is a campaign organised by the Oral Health Foundation, formerly known as the British Dental Health Foundation. The aim is simple; to improve oral health across the UK.

The first event began in 1977 as a week-long campaign called Smile ’77 and thanks to its success went on to be known as National Smile Week. On its 30th birthday, it became National Smile Month, and it is now past its 40th birthday!.

National Smile Month give us the chance to reach the whole community, and help others achieve better oral health by sharing three important oral health messages:

  • Brush your teeth using fluoride toothpaste last thing at night and on at least one other occasion during the day.
  • Cut down on how often you consume sugary foods and drinks.
  • Visit your dentist regularly – as often as they recommend.

These might seem like simple messages, that some people take for granted, however, they need to be reinforced. National Smile Month is a great time to find ways to promote these messages to our patients and help improve oral health in the UK.

How Bow Lane celebrates National Smile Month:

From sugar-free baking challenges to school visits, we go above and beyond to drive change through the ideas, activities and campaigns we are running for National Smile Month.

School visits

Dentist School Visit

Despite the many improvements in oral health over the last 40 years, inequalities continue to be a burden for countless individuals. At Bow Lane, we’re committed to being positive members of the community and giving back using our skills, funds and time. School visits are a part of our dedication to giving back, and it gives us an opportunity to make a real difference. Our visits started back in 2001, with an important emphasis on National Smile Month, where we double our efforts to share the importance of good oral hygiene amongst the youngest of the family.

Sugar-free baking challenge

With some help from Rewards Project which provides us with delicious sugar-free recipes and lots of joy and enthusiasm from our team, we also raise awareness by showing off our culinary skills giving sugar the kick and a break to our smiles from sugar.

Making people mouth aware

Oral cancer is the 6th most common cancer in the world. In the UK, around 8,300 people are diagnosed with mouth cancer each year, which is about 1 in every 50 cancers diagnosed. Throughout we hold events, bring awareness on our social media and even offer our patients Oral Cancer Screenings. We aim to fight oral cancer and help with its prevention.

You too can get involved by visiting the Oral Health Foundation website and signing up for one of the many great initiatives and help save lives.

Our Teeth and healthy living resources

At Bow Lane, we have many resources that are specific to National Smile Month and all things relevant to clean teeth! These will help you to learn how to look after your mouth and build a healthy oral habit. Our videos and blog are made with you in mind, hoping that some of these resources will help you maintain a healthy smile.

Also please download our FREE oral survival guide to make sure you survive National Smile Month!

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Bow Lane Dental, 2a Bow Lane, London, EC4M 9EE

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Phone Us  (purple) | Bow Lane Dental in London
020 7236 3600

Download Teeth Whitening Guide

Download the Dental Anxiety Survival Guide

Download the Dental Health Survival Guide

Discover the Secrets of a Healthy Smile

Download the Complete Orthodontics Guide

Download the Facial Aesthetics Guide
