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A day in the life of Practice Manager Amy

A day in the life of Practice Manager Amy

We've teamed up with one of our staff members Amy Walters to find out more on what it's like to be the Practice Manager at Bow Lane Dental...

My alarm goes off at 4:50am

I try and go to the gym before work so it is an early start for me and Iget on the 1st tube in the morning to Mansion House. I like to be atwork early to ensure the practice is up and running and ready to go foreveryone else, so I am there by 7:30 at the latest.

I set up the reception area and go through all the emails and any voice messages left to check for any emergencies that may need to be dealt with straight away.  The team start arriving at about 8am ready for our first patient at 8:30am.

I’m responsible for..

Managing the whole team and ensuring that the day runs smoothly. Iwork with all of the 24 team members and try and ensure that each and every oneof their individual needs are met. I also have to ensure that the patientjourney with us is a smooth one so getting everyone on the team working to thesame goal and ethos is key.

Dentistry is an industry withhuge amounts of moving parts and there is always a piece of equipment thatneeds fixing or a missing handpiece so thinking on your feet and keeping calmis so important and something I have learnt over the last 16 years of management.

It is a balancing act to keep allof the different aspects of my role running at the same time but my love oflists and spreadsheets definitely helps!

I got the job….

After moving back from living in Australia. I qualified and worked as a Sports & Remedial Massage Therapist for sports teams and backstage at festivals. There were a lot of unsociable hours this required, so I decided to get a permanent job in a Physiotherapy clinic.

I started out managing the reception team but quickly progressed to the Practice Manager there. I really enjoyed it and was quite good at managing people and having completed a Sports Science & Physiology degree, meant I could keep working in the field I was passionate about.

After four years there  I moved, and have subsequently managed numerous different disciplines in the healthcare industry, including, Ophthalmologists, Private GPs, Cardiologist, Orthopaedic Surgeons and Psychologists.

My typical day…

Every day is different at the practice. I try and keep the number of meetings I have per day as low as possible so I am available for the team when needed. As well as this, I have an open-door policy and like to be around to help with anything before it may escalate to something bigger.

Some days I can be an engineer trying to fix a broken autoclave, an electrician changing light bulbs or a plumber! The role is really varied but underlying it all, I ensure that the practice is exceeding all CQC regulations that we have and that the team is happy!

The worst part of my job…

Is the fire-fighting nature of it. I could be planning on spending a day catching up with finances or general paperwork. However, I may have to switch up my plans at short notice trying to find an urgent part for some equipment needed for a surgery booked that afternoon. Plans can change quite quickly some days.

The best part of my job…

I love being able to helppatients even though my role is not directly involved in their treatment. Helpingpatients who have not been to the dentist in 15 years as they are scaredthrough the start of their journey and see them come out of their appointmentsmiling, is a fantastic feeling.

Spending the time building relationships and helping my team grow and progress through their time with us is something I also love, as well as working with charities such as The Sick Children's Trust.

What’s your biggest achievement to date?

Work-wise is it being invited to speak at the British Dental Association for a series of lectures on how to run a profitable practice. Public speaking is something I find hard, but getting through them and finding out that I didn’t hate it was a great moment for me.

Outside of work, completing a Triathlon a few years ago was a big achievement for me as a lifelong hater of running, it was amazing to get to the finish after months of training! However, I definitely did not catch the ‘bug’ for triathlons and I won’t be training for another one anytime soon!

After work…

When it comes to travelling, I love going to new destinations to experience their culture and go sight-seeing. Also, there are so many countries on my go-to list, that I am forever planning my next adventure!

As well as travelling, I have a love for wine and have recently completed a course with WSET to find out more about it . I am looking forward to progressing to my diploma over the next few years.

My Plan B

If I wasn't a Practice Manager, think I would have been a teacher. I get genuine pleasure out of training the team, coaching them and imparting any knowledge I have to them. As well as this, I think being able to do this every day would be brilliant. I obviously wouldn’t mind the holidays either!

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