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What does your smile say about you?

What does your smile say about you?

More and more of us are seeking teeth-straightening solutions to fix a crooked smile.

That’s according to new statistics out this week that reveals a spike in the number of adults looking for orthodontic treatments.

A survey released this week – and carried out by the British Orthodontic Society, that represents dentists who offer teeth-straightening solutions, reveals:

  • 75% of dentist are seeing an increase in adult treatment
  • Key drivers for treatment appear to be heightened awareness of adult orthodontics alongside rising expectations on how treatment can positively impact on both appearance and wellbeing
  • A quarter of respondents are starting more than 50 new adult cases each year
  • Of adult patients in mixed and private practices: 66% of patients are 26-40 year olds and 22% are 41-55. More than 10% are 18-25
  • More women than men are seeking teeth straightening.

Bow Lane Dental’s orthodontist specialist Raman Aulakh has seen an increase in the number of patients seeking his help.

He says: ‘This trend has been gaining momentum over the last five years, with an age range of anything from early 20s to early 70s – which is surprising! But the majority are in the 20-40s age bracket.’

According to Raman, the three top reasons for adults wanting straight teeth are:
  1. An increased public awareness of braces as well with more dentists than ever before offering this treatment
  2. A healthier, more natural option, to a full smile makeover that can be achieved with braces
  3. Orthodontics is now very much a part of modern, aesthetic dentistry – and, anyway, a nice smile is very important today!

One of Bow Lane Dental’s patients, Ruth, says: ‘Before I met Raman, I was very confused about what could be done to straighten my teeth but he reassured me that the treatment plan would allay all my fears. I’m six months into my treatment and m the happiest I’ve ever been.’

Raman says: ‘We are privileged to have a UK public that see the benefits of adult orthodontic treatments. The profession needs to deliver results with great aesthetics and function for their patients.’

To meet the rising demand for adult orthodontics, the British Orthodontic Society recently launched The BOS Guide: Orthodontics for Adults – designed for patients to read before they come to visit. It covers all aspects of orthodontic decision-making: why, how, where and who. Each section has key points or tips that will guide you towards making the right choice. You can also book an appointment here and speak to one of our dentists.

Alison Murray, president of the British Orthodontic Society, says: ‘We welcome the growth of interest in orthodontic treatment. Many adults who have undergone orthodontic treatment report higher levels of self-esteem and their quality of life is often significantly improved.’

For more on what teeth-straightening cosmetic treatments we offer, why not visit our teeth straightening treatment options page.

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