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We have unfortunately had to temporarily stop our beauty treatments in line with Government regulations. All existing appointments will be rescheduled.

What is a periodontist?

What is a periodontist?

A periodontist is a dentist who has undertaken further study in the field of periodontology, which is one of the 13 specialities of dentistry. Periodontists often collaborate with other dental or medical specialists as well as, general dental practitioners and hygienists (if you don't currently have a dental hygienist, book an appointment with our team). The level of collaboration depends on the individual needs of each patient.Numerous international studies have demonstrated that periodontists can predictably improve oral health by:

  • reducing gum bleeding
  • improving appearance of gums around teeth or implants
  • increasing bone volume around teeth or implants
  • reducing the risk of tooth loss with advancing age
  • reversing the effects of gum recession.
What is Periodontology?

Periodontology focuses on the diagnosing and managing gum diseases around teeth and dental implants in London. Inflammatory gum diseases the most common; so much so, that the UK Adult Dental Health Survey of 2009 demonstrated that 45% of the whole UK population has periodontitis.

Other forms of gum disease include:
  • developmental such as hereditary gingival fibromatosis
  • drug induced such as calcium channel drug induced gingival overgrowth
  • traumatic such as tooth brush induced gum recession
How will a periodontist help me?

A periodontist will usually undertake an in-depth assessment to evaluate the cause or risk of gum disease development or progression. This will be followed by a carefully designed treatment plan consisting of non-surgical or surgical elements to arrest or reverse damage caused by gum disease.Non-surgical treatment may involve subgingival debridement which is commonly referred to as ‘deep cleaning’. Surgical treatments are more complex and can alter gum position, bone shape, as well as, cover exposed roots or induce new bone growth to support teeth. The choice of technique depends on the desired aim.A long term supportive program is then put into place to keep your teeth for life!

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Bow Lane Dental, 2a Bow Lane, London, EC4M 9EE

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Phone Us  (purple) | Bow Lane Dental in London
020 7236 3600

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