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Our dental clinic is open and you can read our COVID-safe procedures here.

We have unfortunately had to temporarily stop our beauty treatments in line with Government regulations. All existing appointments will be rescheduled.

What should I do after a tooth extraction?

What should I do after a tooth extraction?
You have just had a minor oral surgery and you want it to heal quickly; what do the team at Bow Lane Dental suggest?
  1. The most important tip is NOT to rinse your mouth out for 24hrs after the extraction. You can drink and swallow but no active gargling. This could wash the blot clot out, exposing the bone and leading to a dry socket
  2. If you experience pain, then you may take your normal pain medication such as ibuprofen or paracetamol
  3. If bleeding persists, then use clean gauze rolled up placed over the area and bite down for 10 minutes. If you do not have any gauze, a normal tea bag (slightly wet) will do; the tannin in the tea helps clot the blood
  4. Do not smoke or drink excessive alcohol for 24hrs following the extraction
  5. Avoid hot foods and drinks until your anaesthetic wears off (usually about 2-3 hours). This is because you have a reduced capacity to tell the temperature and may burn or bite your tongue and lips
  6. It is advisable that you avoid exercise for 24hrs to prevent the area bleeding
  7. If you do get any swelling; it is generally worse the next day after the surgery. It can take a week to reduce. Your London dentist may give you Arnica; a herbal remedy, to help reduce the swelling. It is important not to touch the tablets and take them regularly during the initial healing period
  8. After the initial 24hr period, rinse your mouth with warm salt water (1 teaspoon in a cup of warm water). This should be continued three times a day until you are able to brush the area (usually about a week)
  9. You can gently brush the area that night but it may take a week or two before you are able to brush the area as before.

If you have any concerns please contact your Bow Lane Dentist in EC4 as soon as possible. Call us 020 7236 3600 where our team will book you in for your initial assessment with a Bow Lane Dentist.

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Bow Lane Dental, 2a Bow Lane, London, EC4M 9EE

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Phone Us  (purple) | Bow Lane Dental in London
020 7236 3600

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