Cancel | Bow Lane Dental in London

Our dental clinic is open and you can read our COVID-safe procedures here.

We have unfortunately had to temporarily stop our beauty treatments in line with Government regulations. All existing appointments will be rescheduled.

What we do

We provide support to people and organisations locally and further afield through financial support, time and opportunities.


An important principle for our business is that we give back, and so an amount of funding is made available by the business each year to small, local charities and initiatives.

This is donated directly to our chosen causes to use as they see fit.


In addition to the funds donated by the business, our team also take part in fundraising initiatives throughout the year.

These range from individual challenges and small scale events like cake sales, to larger team events and supporting City initiatives such as Vertical Rush and the Standard Chartered 5k.


Many of our team volunteer to take part in Rewards Project visits. They also volunteer for oral health charities working in the City and overseas.

As people who have experienced the two-way benefits of volunteering, we proactively encourage participation by the team.

Environmental activities

In 2017 we were awarded a Clean City Award, in recognition of our commitment to the environment and sustainability. We have a solid set of policies and procedures in place to manage our environmental footprint, and strive to go beyond compliance in this area.

You can help us by bringing your plastic toothbrushes and empty tubes to the practice for recycling.

Raise profiles

As partners of local and international charities for several years, we recognise the role we can play in raising awareness of their invaluable work through our channels.

We therefore aim to regularly profile our chosen causes through our Newsletter, Blog and Social Media, and seek to recruit more supporters for their work.

Ready to get started?

Request your appointment at our award-winning London dentists.

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Find us

Bow Lane Dental, 2a Bow Lane, London, EC4M 9EE

Speak to us

Phone Us  (purple) | Bow Lane Dental in London
020 7236 3600

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